The 1.1x engineer

Psychological Safety

Keeping your team safe enough that they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts

Being new is a superpower

How being the new person at a company can give you a unique perspective.

A new job

What I have already learned from 2 days on the job.


About finding and using tech recruiters.

Default Stack

Why you should have a default tech stack for your projects.

Side Projects

About some of my recent side projects and why I built them.

Taking a break

Why taking some time off between jobs has been really good for me.

Remote Work

How to be effective at your job when working remotely.


All the non-technical parts of interviewing for a tech job.

Toxic Workplace

A story about a toxic workplace I was at recently.

The Wrong Abstraction

Is the wrong abstraction better than none at all?


Identifying, recovering from, and avoiding burnout in tech.

Building a product team

What is a good product team, and how do we build one?


Why people are motivated to work at their jobs, and how we can help them to their best work life.